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Spring Cleaning with Books!

Spring Cleaning with Books!

May 2022

Sayville High School Teen Book-Discussion Group Sponsors Spring Book Drive

Members of the Teen Book Discussion Group along with their advisor High School Librarian Mrs. Nancy Finnerty held a Spring Book Drive. “Students, Teachers, Administrators and Support Staff were encouraged to donate as a way to start their spring cleaning,” Mrs. Finnerty explained. “The book drive ran for two weeks and a total of sixteen boxes of books were collected for The Book Fairies.”   Whatever the reason, whether to declutter shelves or give a treasure trove of assorted favorites to new readers, it was for a worthy cause and a win-win for all!

Book Fairies is an international organization and consists of a special group of people who find fun, unique, and “magical” ways to pass a “good read” to another reader. The website explains, “The Book Fairies, a Long Island-based non-profit organization, accepts donations of new and gently used books, and connects them with libraries, schools, and organizations throughout metropolitan New York which do not have the funds to foster the love of reading for their children. Book fairies are people who, when they’ve finished reading a good book… pop an official book fairy sticker on it, which reads ‘take this book, read it & leave it for the next person to enjoy’…. When they’ve prepared their gift, they will hide it in public to be found…”

The Book Fairies representatives expressed their gratitude to all who donated but especially to Sayville’s Teen Book-Discussion Group members Skyler Collins, Dylan O'Reilly and Kylie Person for being part of the magic by helping to unload the hand truck. Mrs. Finnerty added her special thanks to library teacher-aide Mrs. Marinne Russ, who collected, sorted and boxed up the many donated books.