Twice the Excitement: Opening Day and the First-Ever Universal Pre-K in Sayville School District
September 9 2021
“This was an extremely exciting day in Sayville," Sayville Superintendent Dr. John E. Stimmel announced at the September 9, 2021 Board of Education Business Meeting. “Despite what has gone on over the past eighteen months, we opened school today! We welcomed all of our students back to full-time, in-person instruction. Our students had access to all their classes, to all their lockers. They will have access to extracurricular activities including athletics.”
Dr. Stimmel continued his report at the Board meeting by noting another significant milestone in the history of Sayville School District. He acknowledged that Assistant Superintendent for Business John Belmonte was retiring effective October 1, 2021 after twenty-two years of service in Sayville. Expressing his praise and gratitude, Dr. Stimmel said,"It is with a great deal of mixed emotions—I am happy for him but I am going to miss him tremendously—tonight is the last regular Board of Education Business meeting for Assistant Superintendent for Business John Belmonte. John, I can’t thank you enough for your friendship, your advice, all your support, since I came to Sayville. On behalf of the Board and the community, I just want to thank you for all that you’ve done for our District." The bittersweet goodbye was followed by a round of applause by all present at the meeting.
Dr. Stimmel also announced, “Today, September 9, 2021, Sayville Schools has introduced for the first time Universal Pre-K.” See the full story at this link: UNIVERSAL PRE-K STORY AND PHOTOS
See more than a hundred photos from opening day at THIS OPENING DAY LINK.