Districtwide Happenings for January and February 2023
History Club Quiz Bowl
On Saturday, February 4, eight History Club students participated in a Quiz Bowl at Kings Park High School. Congratulations to the students!
R.I.S.E. Students Sample Their DNA
Students in the Research in Science and Engineering (RISE) program recently visited the Cold Spring Harbor DNA Learning Center to complete a laboratory procedure for human mitochondrial DNA sequencing. Students prepared a sample of their own DNA from cells obtained by saline mouthwash, used PCR to amplify a section of their own mitochondrial DNA, and completed agarose gel electrophoresis to confirm the result. DNA was then sent to an outside laboratory for sequencing. When the samples are returned to the high school, students will be performing bioinformatic analysis of their own DNA sequences to explore the theories behind how modern humans evolved and how related they are to their classmates and people from around the world.
Peer Leaders Visit Sunrise Drive
On January 31st, the High School Peer Leaders, arranged by Mr. Calabrese and Ms. Buckley, came to join students for recess and lunch. Although it was another rainy winter day, there was a bright, sunny, feeling in the building!