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Two Sayville School District Professionals Receive NYS AHPERD Suffolk Zone Awards

Suffolk Zone Award Winners
Two staff members from the Sayville School District received honors at the New York State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (NYS AHPERD) Suffolk Zone Chapter Professional Awards Dinner.  
Jodi Maurici was awarded the NYS AHPERD Suffolk Zone Middle School Health Teacher of the Year Award.
Dr. Ryan Cox was awarded the NYS AHPERD Suffolk Zone Director of the Year Award.
Ms. Maurici and Dr. Cox were nominated by their peers for these awards. 
Two staff members from the Sayville School District received honors at the New York State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (NYS AHPERD) Suffolk Zone Chapter Professional Awards Dinner.  
Jodi Maurici was awarded the NYS AHPERD Suffolk Zone Middle School Health Teacher of the Year Award.
Dr. Ryan Cox was awarded the NYS AHPERD Suffolk Zone Director of the Year Award.
Ms. Maurici and Dr. Cox were nominated by their peers for these awards. 