Weather Station at Sayville High School Redefines "Local" Reports for Sayville Community
Got Weather? New Sayville High School Weather Station Can Service Community
The Sayville High School Research in Science and Engineering program (RISE) has recently partnered with Rainwise and Weather Underground to install a professional weather station on the roof of Sayville High School. All Sayville students, faculty, parents and community members can now access local, accurate weather forecasts and climate variables anywhere on the planet, directly from a computer or mobile device. Students will also be able to use historical data, charts, and graphs from the weather station for future weather and climate projects in science research.
Got Weather? New Sayville High School Weather Station Can Service Community
The Sayville High School Research in Science and Engineering program (RISE) has recently partnered with Rainwise and Weather Underground to install a professional weather station on the roof of Sayville High School. All Sayville students, faculty, parents and community members can now access local, accurate weather forecasts and climate variables anywhere on the planet, directly from a computer or mobile device. Students will also be able to use historical data, charts, and graphs from the weather station for future weather and climate projects in science research.