Special Education
Contact Information
Kim Sznitken-Special Education Chairperson (Middle School and High School) ksznitken@sayvilleschools.org
Kelley Brody - CSE/CPSE Chairperson kbrody@sayvilleschools.org (631) 244-6551
Michelle Franco - CSE Chairperson mfranco@sayvilleschools.org (631) 244-6598
Claire Rymer - Transition Coordinator and Educational Evaluator -crymer@sayvilleschools.org
Teresa Coticelli - Senior Office Assistant - tcoticelli@sayvilleschools.org (631) 244-6545
Michelle Smith - Account Clerk - mismith@sayvilleschools.org (631) 244-6575
Laurie Soldinger - Senior Office Assistant - lsoldinger@sayvilleschools.org (631) 244-6564
Natalie Velasquez- Senior Office Assistant - nvelasquez@sayvilleschools.org (631) 244-6546