Lead Testing in New York Schools
Lead Testing in New York Schools
The possibility of lead in children’s drinking water is a serious health concern.
On September 6, 2016, the Governor signed legislation requiring all school districts in New York State to test potable water systems for lead contamination and to take responsive actions.
School District’s are now required to take “first–draw” samples from all potable water fixtures currently or potentially used for drinking or cooking purposes, including but not limited to bubblers, drinking fountains, or faucets. Where lead concentrations found to exceed 15 micro-grams per liter or parts per billion (ppb), the school must prohibit the use of the outlet until a lead remediation plan is implemented to mitigate the lead level of such outlet. After the remediation is completed, additional testing must be performed and the re-tested lead levels must be at or below the maximum allowable level. Building occupants will continued to be supplied an adequate supply of potable water and cooking until the remediation is performed.
The District must also report the test results to the local health department and provide notification to staff and parents/guardians.
The following information and attachments are the actions, findings and remediation that has taken place to date. As additional information becomes available, it will be posted on the District website.
Attached are the results of the November 2020 district-wide lead testing first-draw samples as required by the NYS department of health. As per guidelines, these result are posted on the District's website. Sayville School District will be following-up using the same protocols that are already posted and in place since 2016 (an assessment will be made on all fixtures that had levels above the 15ppm to replace the fixture or place signage indicating it is a non-drinkable water source)
If you have a questions on any information contained in the reports, please contact Mr. John Belmonte, Assistant Superintendent for Business, at 631-244-6530 or email at jbelmonte@sayvilleschools.org .