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Internet Safety Tips

Internet Safety

Here are some Internet Safety tips for Parents:

  1. Monitor the length of time your child spends on the Internet.
  2. Place the computer in a location that allows easy monitoring - not in the child's bedroom. As a parent you have the right to find out the areas they are accessing.
  3. Get to know their online friends, the same as you would their friends outside of cyberspace. Communicate with your child about their online friends, not only will it help keep them safe, it is also a good way to further the bond between you.
  4. Make sure your child understands that a person isn't necessarily who they claim to be online. It is important that you reinforce routinely that they should never meet a cyber pal in real life.
  5. Help them to understand that text files and pictures, once on the Internet, will remain there forever. Discuss with them the reasons for not allowing the transmission or receipt of such items.
  6. Use filtering solutions (like Net Nanny, Internet protection software) to protect them from areas that could be inappropriate or even dangerous to them. As the administrator of the filtering solution you are able to monitor more closely what information comes into and out of your child's computer the same way you monitor in "real" life what information your child has access to. Discuss with your children what those restrictions are, let them play a role in deciding what is not allowed. Giving them some decision-making power helps them grow into healthy responsible adults.

Here are some safety “Rules of the Road” to teach you children:

  1. Never give out personal information (such as name, age, address, phone number, school, town, password, and schedule) or fill out questionnaires or any forms online.
  2. Never meet in person with anyone you have met online without Mom and/or Dad's presence.
  3. Do not enter a chat room without Mom and/or Dad's presence or supervision. Some "kids" you meet in chat rooms may not really be kids; they may be adults with bad intentions. Remember, people may not be who they say they are.
  4. Do not tell anyone online where you will be or what you will be doing without Mom and/or Dad's permission.
  5. Never respond to or send e-mail to new people you meet online. Talk to your parents first so that they can check it out.
  6. Be careful not to go into a new online area that is going to cost additional money without first getting Mom and/or Dad's permission.
  7. Never send, without Mom and/or Dad's permission, a picture over the Internet or via regular mail to anyone you've met on the Internet.
  8. Don't buy or order products online or give out any credit card information online without Mom and/or Dad's permission.
  9. Never respond to any email or chat conversation that makes you feel uncomfortable. End such an experience by logging off and telling Mom and/or Dad as soon as possible. Always tell Mom and/or Dad about something you saw, intentionally or unintentionally, that is upsetting.


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