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Antibullying Programs



Bullying occurs "when someone, or a group of people, upsets or creates a risk to another person’s health and safety—either psychologically or physically—or their property, reputation or social acceptance on more than one occasion."

Every Sayville school has strict guidelines for addressing overt and covert evidence of bullying.

As part of the ongoing PEACEWORKS & BULLYING PREVENTION PROGRAM in Sayville schools, our High School teachers received training on identifying all forms of bullying. While most actual bullying occurs off campus through electronic communication devices, the faculty and staff know to monitor residual effects that filter through the school environment. Since the PEACEWORKS PROGRAM, sponsored by the Peace Education Foundation, was introduced into Sayville in 2000, this program has included professional training and "push in" activities that not only educate children and adults about the dynamics of conflict, but also promote peacemaking skills in schools. (See the Parents Powerpoint at Highlights Online, "Bullying Prevention.")

Please support Sayville school’s efforts (1) in recognizing that bullying is intolerable and (2) in constructively addressing the problem by making the Principals or Guidance Departments aware of instances when such antisocial behavior occurs. For more information contact Middle School Social Worker Dawn Lloyd at 244-6660.